I started signing to Sasha when she was just a couple of months old. The signs that are suggested as first signs are
eat and
more. However, they advise that you choose whatever you would use the most.
Eat wasn't a good one for us because we started so young. I use
milk, but not consistently enough. The one sign I have used most consistently is
finished. (They recommend starting with three signs only.) I use it to ask Sasha if she is finished on the potty. I ask and sign, then answer back and sign. Sasha recognizes the sign now as meaning it is time to get off the potty. She responds by hopping a bit and putting her arms up. I am terribly pleased with this development, but it also urges me to sign more consistently. I need to use
finished in more situations and add a couple more words that Daddy and I will
both use often. I'm looking forward to adding a sign for
potty, but I think it is too soon.
I am open to suggestions of words to sign! Anyone know the sign for
teething ring? That might be a good one for us.

By the way, I recommend the DVD set linked above, though I don't recommend television for babies. I do feel better about television for babies if you're watching good programming
with them. I also recommend
this book that was really my start to baby signing. You can read
my review of this book published on
Hobo Mama's blog.