I feel like I've been dreaming pretty big lately. I've had some fears to which I was afraid to give voice, regarding whether these big dreams were truly feasible. But here recently I feel we've made it over a hump. I feel like all the research, soul searching, discussions, etc. are actually getting us some
progress! We had my father over on Monday and he talked to a good buddy and did some shopping online with me. The buddy even sent us some links. We have a travel trailer in particular that looks very promising. After waffling about what exact rig arrangement is right for us, I've finally loosened up about that end of it. I just want to get on the road! I value my father's input, so that has gone into the decision as well.
Then there is all the hours of online and book reading I've done about finding work on the road. Amazon has a seasonal job in the winter for which they hire a lot of people through an RV website! It pays well, involves overtime, and includes an RV site! It also finishes in time to get back home to family for the holiday. I'm thinking holiday season of 2012 we might be able to do that. We'll see. However, I think I've finally stumbled upon something real and tangible for income. I'm signing up, getting started, and will be able to work locally toward my certification.

It is a baby signing class. There are few certified teachers and the company provides a business plan and marketing materials. It is a topic about which I am passionate, so I am excited about the prospect. My husband and mother are both very supportive, even considering the initial investment (which is WAY lower than some other options and is currently nearly half off the original price!).
So yeah. My dreams really are working their way into reality. Elmo and my father both think we should stay locally at an RV park at first. I've done some research and found a park close to work, though I've also found a free campsite about an hour outside of town. The local one would cost us a few more dollars than we're currently paying for rent, but would include our power, water, cable, and internet! There is another site further away that would actually cost LESS. I am compiling a
mass of bookmarks and keeping them organized! I'm making progress on the clutter, but things are moving so quickly I suddenly feel a need to work much faster on that particular aspect!
My mantra right now is "Don't wait to chase your dreams!" It repeats itself in my mind. I think and/or daydream about this
all the time. I can be obsessive and I certainly am about this!

Another detail... Elmo has a movie collection; a very large movie collection. He recently got rid of a chunk of movies, but we've accepted that he can't ditch them all. Besides, we'd like to have that entertainment option on the road, especially without television service. (Note, however, that many RV parks offer cable hookup!) We have shopped around together online for the perfect solution and finally settled on some particular CD books. He ordered two and they arrived on Monday. He
immediately dove into loading them! He got about half of the first bookshelf done before stopping. Today he finished it and did the entire second bookshelf. It looks like he has close to 700 movies! We'll need to order one more book before we run out of room, but we did find some nice sturdy ones.
Little things... little things are falling onto place, just like I was told they would. Think positive, accept that you CAN make your dream into a reality, and it will all begin to fall into place for you.