- Ever heard of Boondocking? No, not mudbogging, boondocking. Boondocking is camping in remote areas such as deep woods or desert locatons without power, sewer or water hook-ups. Most Walmart stores allow boondocking in their parking lots. Depending on how self-sufficient your travel rig is, boondocking is the cheapest (read: free!) way to go. So on that note, Free Campsites.net is dedicated to becoming the primary source for information on free campgrounds and boondocking locations in the United States and Canada. These sites are often the most beautiful and peaceful sites.
The Green Bag Lady is an eco-friendly art project. The founder and volunteers make bags out of donated fabric and give them away for FREE in exchange for a promise to refuse paper & plastic bags when shopping. She documents the use of these bags world-wide on this site. Now Green Bag Lady has teamed up with Sew Mama Sew for a Green Grocery Bag challenge. While the challenge was about wrapping gifts in reusable bags and I'm a little late sharing the link, I still think the page is a good one to share with you.
- If you've been researching TTC (Trying To Conceive, it took me a while to figure that out during my last pregnancy when I saw it all over forums!), then you've probably seen some mention of making your vagina as alkaline as possible. This task can be a bit tricky because foods that are acidic don't necessarily have an acidifying effect on your body. The Acid/Alkaline Foods List is the best list I found for providing you with lists of foods based on their Acid / Alkaline effect. Oddly, they offer several different lists all within the same page. So, whichever one is easiest for you to read, have at it. I tend to just search the page for the food that has aroused my curiosity.
- The Peaceful Parenting site actually feels peaceful to the eye.
I don't even like brown shades, but something about the yellows and the softness of the images there, just seem peaceful to me. Sorry for the tangent, but I found an old article there from January 2008 that breaks down what happens to your body within 1 hour of drinking a can of soda.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Sunday Surf: Free Green Acidic Soda
I know, weird title... just bear with me here. Let the linkage begin: