- I enjoy posts that make me think. If you do, too, then check out Culture Dust from Love Live Grow with a dreadlocked hippie-freak farm girl. She wrote it so very eloquently!
Jessica Lang's article on Natural Parents Network ~ Skin to Skin Bonding: As Brothers Attach made me stop to think about something... that I can't believe hadn't occurred to me sooner! Just as parents bond with our new babies with skin-to-skin contact, so too can siblings. I need to keep this in mind when we have another...
- The Telegraph reports Scientists have created genetically modified cattle that produce "human" milk in a bid to make cows' milk more nutritious. Does this scare anybody else? I just personally feel like we shouldn't mess with Mother Nature. I guess I don't have a problem with genetic research for helping people with diseases, but my general policy on hormones carries over to this story. Do not mess with Mother Nature. She will strike back! And how much is this crap going to COST?! Besides, goat milk is very similar to human milk already. Why must we mess with the cows?
I am just so impressed with Amy (and her husband) of Anktangle. I know we all find the strength to do what we need to do for our little ones, even (or perhaps especially) if they have special needs. I had never heard about children having trouble with sensory processing. She recently posted an update about her son's progress. I really enjoyed watching her videos and my heart goes out to her. I'm so happy they've found the solutions they needed! I find myself wondering if some "colicky" babies might have this problem instead, but that is just speculation on my part.
- RagamuffinSoul wrote a short, important, and possibly poignant reminder to spend time with your little ones in Your Six Year Old Will Not Remember Your Problems…
Here's hoping that you found something on my SS that spoke to you. Please feel free to comment with links that you believe belong on my Sunday Surf!