Getting a little bit back to normal around here. I found lots of cool stuff this week!
- Don't Lasagna Cupcakes sound odd? I thought so too, until I read the recipe. It sounds awesome and looks so pretty!
- I guess it shouldn't surprise me when I come across a totally new-to-me idea on the internet, but I had never dreamed of healing cavities! Intrigued? Check out How I Healed My Child’s Cavity from The Healthy Home Economist!
- The Wall Street Journal reported this week on this November's San Francisco ballot. Specifically, the circumcision ban (on males under the age of 18) that will be on it. This is a majorly controversial topic! Some feel that the lack of a religious exemption will hurt the bill while others argue that religion is no excuse for maiming our children. I checked out the poll and so far 73% (nearly 3000 voters) are against the ban versus the 26% (nearly 1000 voters) support the ban. I wonder how many voters are actually in San Francisco. What do you think about the possible ban? I know it would sure simplify arguments!
Ready to lighten the mood a bit? How about fast, easy tap shoes for your little ones? I saw this mentioned and actually hunted around on the best link to share. This one looks good, though I saw one with pennies, too... presumably glued onto the shoes. Check out How to make your own Tap Shoes on This Little Project.
- Do you feel like you've grown apart from your single, child-free friends? I know I went through a separation from my best friend and we continue to deal with it. Sometimes they just don't understand, either. Well here's a comic / article to help explain it. Enjoy TELL ME ABOUT IT ® from The Washington Post. As a mom, I guarantee you'll get a chuckle out of the comic, at least!
- Back to a little more serious topic again, induction. There are several different ways to induce labor. You could use pitocin, nipple tweaking, sweeping the membranes, just to name a few. It can be easy to be convinced when you just feel so DONE with being pregnant! Especially if you have a doctor trying to "warn" you about the dangers of carrying to full term. Well we should know better! (Though it would help if we were given the truth in the first place.) Please read 39 Week Induction - One Mother's Experience from Mama Birth. I feel bad about letting / having my doctor sweep my membranes (twice) last time around and hope I can maintain willpower until our baby decides its time, this time around.
I hope you enjoyed our full load of links this week! I know I enjoyed them, from the thought-provoking to the amusing to the mouth-watering! Know a link I should definitely read? Share it in my comments, please!