In the meantime, please enjoy these links.
- I'm really interested in Placenta Encapsulation. I'm pregnant. I had PPD after one of my births. I've read that ingesting your placenta can make a huge difference in how you feel in the postpartum weeks. And then, like magic, Authentic Parenting published Everything You Want to Know About Placenta Encapsulation!
- During my second pregnancy, I was told that I was "borderline-borderline diabetic." Yeah, I said borderline twice. It was just close enough that they gave me a glucometer and told me to watch my carb intake. My preggo hormonal brain then stood in the middle of the grocery and absolutely bawled, saying that I couldn't eat anything anymore.
During my third pregnancy, I was officially diagnosed as having Gestational Diabetes. I immediately borrowed a glucometer and got a lot of support from my diabetic mother. We had my blood sugar under control immediately! Then I went to see the specialist and she used a bunch of friggin' scare tactics. The stress of it threw my levels out of whack! I did hear some good news, though, my doc's nurse said that (contrary to popular belief) having GD did NOT mean that you would have it during every pregnancy. Coolio! The diabetes disappeared after Sasha was born.