On to some links!
- I'm of the mind that babies slowly build their Vitamin K supply. I see no reason for the medical industry to give it to them all at once as newborns! The only reason Tyler got the shot was because she was born in a federally funded hospital. They required it. Check out this much-needed update on vitamin K prophylaxis (from the Association for Improvements in the Maternity Services in the UK) for some validation if you feel the same. It may also serve you well if you find a need to argue your beliefs with your hospital.
- Hobo Mama had a great post up on Monday about becoming comfortable with crying. The idea is that sometimes children simply need a good cry. I know I do! It is actually a physiological need in human beings. I've gone to the video store and asked for "a good tear jerker." They were happy to assist!
The only thing upon which I seemed to get stuck is that once you've made sure you've met all possible needs, you just be with the child while they cry. I get this, I do. But I had also read some great (I feel) advice about tantrums. When Sasha is upset, I pat / rub her back and tell her that I understand she is upset / mad / frustrated because _________________. I get the idea that this is the same general point, but I also think that this is supplying a fix, of sorts. I'm not necessarily trying to get her to stop crying (though that is nice, too). I'm just being present with her while she is dealing with intense emotions. I think this is the same idea.
Anyway, go check out Hobo Mama's article and absolutely adorable photos of a crying Mikko. I don't know why such photos are so cute other than the way they tug at the heartstrings. The first photo there is absolutely adorable!
- Now how about some satire? Check out Hospital Birth, Hospital Sex: Something To Think About and Funny Too! (from MommySalad) for a good laugh and possibly good material if you're having to argue with a loved one about your birthing choices.
More motivated! That's it! As evidence, I've caught TWO of Sasha's pees in the potty today. That is a major upswing for us. Our EC practices really "crapped out" after my knee surgery last year.
What great sites have you found lately?