Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Creating Together in the Kitchen

Welcome to the August Carnival of Natural Parenting: Creating With Kids

This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama. This month our participants have shared how they make messes and masterpieces with children. Please read to the end to find a list of links to the other carnival participants.

I do not consider myself to be an especially crafty person. Once I'm in the middle of a craft, I enjoy it. I just don't ever make the time to do it these days. I scrapbooked years ago, but I didn't do much of it with my daughter. I'm such a perfectionist that I didn't have the patience for it. I think I'm more patient now... but I don't guess I make the time for doing things that I would consider "crafts."

I totally think that we underestimate what kids can do, too. I know I have! I actually got inspired a while back by this post on Natural Parents Network.

So now we go into the kitchen. Sasha will just not accept no for an answer when I'm cooking. Mommy MUST hold her! So I started setting her on the counter pretty young. She is happy there, too, most of the time. And I discovered a few ways that Sasha could help cook, even at a young 16 months old.

I like to break spaghetti noodles in half and put them in a small glass until I'm ready to put them into the water. She loves to put them into the glass for me! She also loves to put them into the water, but I don't always have the patience for that. In fact, she likes to put any part of any food into whatever dish required!

(no sound required, nothing to hear)

If she sits next to me while I chop veggies, she tries them, too... even raw zucchini!

Chef Sasha tasting ZucchiniChef Sasha tasting Zucchini

So now even when she isn't actually getting to help with food prep, she often likes to play cook with Mommy.

Chef SashaChef Sasha, adding Basil

What do you create with your children?
Do you have a hard time creating with them?


Carnival of Natural Parenting -- Hobo Mama and Code Name: MamaVisit Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama to find out how you can participate in the next Carnival of Natural Parenting!

Please take time to read the submissions by the other carnival participants:

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