- National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) - appears to be *the* major DS organization. They started...
- Buddy Walk - a one-mile walk in which teams of friends / family / and people with DS raise awareness and funds to benefit local programs and services.
- National Down Syndrome Congress (NDSC) - I'm not that familiar with this site yet, but it seems they are an organization that fights for the rights of people with Down Syndrome.
- Down Syndrome Pregnancy - How awesome?! It is a site dedicated to supporting pregnant parents expecting children with Down Syndrome! They even have an eBook you can download for free! (They do accept donations, though.)
- National Down Syndrome Adoption Network - is a program created by the Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati. I was amazed to learn that there is actually a waiting list of people wishing to adopt children with Down Syndrome! I actually learned that from this interview on another site.
- Down Syndrome Association of Tulsa (DSAT) - This is my local support group. They meet monthly (though I have not yet attended nor decided whether to attend) and often offer guest speakers. They host the annual Buddy Walk in my town and have just had their first annual Tee Off for Down Syndrome event.
- Down Syndrome Education USA - They research teaching methods and provide information resources and services.
- Gifts: Down Syndrome Links - This is a listing of links separated by national, regional, etc. provided by the website for the book GIFTS: Mothers Reflect on How Children with Down Syndrome Enrich Their Lives
- And then there are Blogs...
- Brian Skotko, MD, MPP - is a doctor whose sister has Down Syndrome. He had published on the topic of DS and also does workshops.
- A Perfect Lily - The author has 10 children, the youngest of which has a "magical extra chromosome."
- Enjoying the Small Things - I like this blog! This woman has a sense of humor and a couple of beautiful daughters, one of whom has DS.
- Brian Skotko, MD, MPP - is a doctor whose sister has Down Syndrome. He had published on the topic of DS and also does workshops.
A couple of weeks ago I did the Sunday Surf: Circumcision Edition. How do you like these "themed" Sunday Surfs?