This subcategory is broken down into Travel system, Traditional stroller, Lightweight stroller, All-terrain jogger/stroller, and Double stroller. I certainly don't think they're suggesting you need each of these. We have had several hand-me-down strollers and just keep the nicest one. Even then, we don't use one very often at all, especially since I have so many slings / carriers. I don't like the detachment of using a stroller and am certain we'd manage just fine without one. Even when we take one with us somewhere, we wind up carrying Sasha or letting her walk and then using the stroller for other stuff.Stroller Accessories
I see all of these things as luxuries beyond the already not-really-needed stroller. They break these down into Rain cover, Weather protection boot, Stroller sunshade, Stroller netting, Stroller organizer, Stroller cup holder, Stoller snack holder and Stroller toys. I think if I was going to have a weakness for one, my personal weakness would be for the organizer. That's just how I roll.Entertainers / Swings
I hadn't even realized that there are Full-size swings as well as Travel swings. I don't think I need a swing that bad! Actually, my dad got a swing for one of my first 2 babies and she wasn't able to keep it because she had basically outgrown it within a couple of months of birth!Then there are Activity jumpers which includes doorway jumpers as well as stationary jumpers. My mother was going to get a doorway jumper for Sasha. My firstborn had one and she LOVED it! However, we read that they are really bad for the hips! I asked our doctor and he agreed it wasn't worth the risk so we didn't get one. In hindsight, my oldest dances. She obviously has no hip problems! Still... this is definitely a luxury item!
Next we move to Mobile walkers. These have only minimally changed since we were kids, right? I suppose if I just *had* to choose something to put my kid into for entertainment while I got a few minutes to shower or something, I'd choose a walker. In fact, I used to put my firstborn in her walker in the bathroom with me so I could (as a single mother) shower.
Finally, we have Bouncer/rockers. I don't think most of these are very versatile, so you can only use them for a short time with a newborn. I know there are rockers out there that convert into toddler rocking chairs, though. The first thing I bought (at a garage sale) when I found out I was pregnant with Sasha was a rocker. Then we wound up with 2-3 of them. We barely used one at all. These days, I just set my newborn on a blanket on the floor if I need my hands free for a few minutes.
That gets us through some more of the "Baby Gear" that you "Must Have." We still have yet to cover high chairs, carriers, and play yards. So we'll complete "Baby Gear" next week. There are still a few more categories beyond that. We haven't gotten to clothes yet, you know.
Do you feel you must have equipment for entertaining your newborn?

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