Sleep Problems: Your Child
This is an article from the University of Michigan Health System. With Sasha waking at least every 3 hours at night and sometimes as often as every hour, I was desperately seeking some answer and help! If you're in a similar predicament, check out this page for lots of possible reasons.That said, the Pediatrician suggested (among other things) behavior modification: stop night nursing. My knee jerk reaction: No way! Then I had some other natural moms suggest it as a possibility. Then my doctor suggested it, too. I'm writing about the progress, so you can expect to see that in a couple of weeks.
By the way, my daughter does not have pinworms!
Why I Stopped Drinking Green Smoothies
I never knew some of the things shared here about the benefits lost when you pulverize your food. (This includes juicing, too!) The full content of the post has been removed, but there is still a summary there if you're curious.I did not Birth a Syndrome
This one is me. Its right here on my very own blog. The post has been passed around Facebook a bit, though it hasn't gone viral or anything. I'm very proud of the post and touched by the responses I've received. Everyone (online, anyway) has been so supportive since Spencer's initial diagnosis. Have a look if you're interested in our experience / journey.I hope you found at least one link here that sparked your interest. Tune in next week to see what else I find! Any sparks you care to share with me?
I'm joining Authentic Parenting and Hobo Mama for Sunday Surf. Share your best reading of the week, and link up your post at either blog!
For more great reading, visit Hobo Mama or Authentic Parenting for the latest Sunday Surf and linky.
Happy Surfing!