Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Mamatography - Week 32

Day 218


My girl after my own heart. Setting up all these pieces of chalk looked like fun! I was busy tending to...

Our power source... melted! The replacement part was under $10, though, and the RV Park maintenance men were willing to do the labor for us. Whew!

Day 219


We took a trip to one of the local dairies, as homework for this month's Carnival of Natural Parenting. The reflection on the window into the milking room made it difficult to see the action, much less take photos!

Spencer is sitting himself up!!

Day 220


Day 221


Ronni asked if he could shave part of his head. Sure! Why not get creative? Any bets on how long before he wants to try shaving his head bald? He loves it, by the way!

We celebrated our 3rd Anniversary at Red Lobster, Elmo's favorite. We don't use any sitters, so the littles came with us.

Day 222


Sasha has been watching shows on the computer in our room. Hubby plays video games or watches shows in the living room (plus Sasha coming through). There isn't room for hubby, myself and Spencer on the couch, so... I finally resorted to putting Spencer down for his nap in Sasha's bunk.

I recently posted a photo of Sasha hugging my water. I don't know what it is with her and hugging drinks!

Day 223


Yay for painting! I am so awful about avoiding messes. Sasha has only painted a handful of times.

Day 224


We had another birthday party to attend at my dad's place. This time it was for my nephew, Benjamin, come in from Arkansas to celebrate early before school starts.


Are you up for a challenge? One that will take something from you every day, but give a whole lot back too? How about joining me for the photography challenge in 2012 then? A photo a day of whatever your day involved. You can jump in any time through the year!

If you’d still like to join us, you can start at any time, just sign up here and our host will email you further information.

Without further ado, here is the current list of all participants for Mamatography 2012 so far!

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