Friday, December 28, 2012

Mamatography 2013 Invitation

Are you up for a challenge? One that will take something from you every day, but give a whole lot back too? How about joining Diary of a First Child and I for a photography challenge in 2013 then? A photo a day of whatever your day involved.

Did nothing but laundry today? Photograph it:

Had a busy day and have loads of pictures? Share them:

And how do you do that? It's easy: one day a week you post your pictures on your blog. How much or how little you write to accompany it is entirely up to you, and what day of the week you post is up to you too. You just link up to share your post with the others each week and at the end of the year you'll have 365 photos chronicling it. (If you don't have a blog, you can start one very simply to use just for Mamatography, or whatever else takes your fancy!)

Theme? You can use a theme or not. It can be about your children (it's amazing how much they grow in one year, and how we miss it when we see them every day!) or about your journey on a project (losing weight, eating healthy, whatever) or just your day to day. Photos don't have to be particularly creative, but if you make even the boring days interesting you'll probably have more fun doing it.

When should you start? It's up to you. Ideally, start on January 1st and make it a great 365 day project, but you can join in at any time. If things happen and you can't participate for a while, that's fine - just start up again when you can. There's no passing or failing grade. It's supposed to be fun!

What do you have to do? Upload your photos to your own blog. Link up to the weekly linky on Diary of a First Child or Momma Jorje and make sure to leave a comment on at least the person who posted before you.


Sign up here, and starting on 1 January, snap, snap, snap! We'll send more instructions to participants in time for January 1st.

I hope you'll join us in this fun and exciting project. If you want to see how our 2012 looked, click here!

Want to share the badge on your blog? Copy the code below.
Mamatography 2012
Daddies are welcome too!

Mamatography 2012
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