We're on a six-week path to eat more whole foods, guided by one simple rule: Buy foods with six ingredients or fewer. And we're blogging about our journey on the way.
This week we're answering the question: Why do you want to participate in the Six Ingredient Challenge?
You can see all the responses to this question on February 7 at the link-up post.
To join in the Six Ingredient Challenge anytime during the six weeks, visit the sign-up page for a list of posts and to link up!
I've actually been planning to start eating more whole foods or foods closer to their natural state when we knew we'd be moving (into a home with an actual kitchen). I've been wanting to start my own container garden (this year!) and compost (started last month!). One step I took recently was not purchasing any products containing HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup). Wow, that is in a lot of stuff!
I think I opted to participate in this online challenge because it gives me a little accountability for sticking to it. I know we won't be 100%, not in the entire household. My husband and oldest daughter are not fully on board. But if we don't try... where does that leave us?
I look forward to learning from other participants and seeing that I'm not the only one that's human in our efforts. Sometimes I think it would be easier to move out of the country... to some place that doesn't use Red #5 as an ingredient.
Have you had any luck improving your household's diet?