While I agree that there are individuals within the natural parenting community whom are too lackadaisical or too militant, I think my larger issue is the very "politically correct" speech often offered, "to each their own." I agree that no one way of parenting is right for every child, not even within the same household. However, there are books/philosophies out there that have literally been deemed dangerous to babies! Every parent has a need to feel that they are doing it right, but more than that I think there are lots of parents out there doing it wrong! Are we not supposed to help them? And if we do try, are we merely seen like a fundamentalist trying to convert a heathen?
One tenet of NP: Wear your babies, keep them close
And so we write. And we talk. Just be open about your parenting choices and believe in them. Be approachable, without being too judgy. Be proud of your choices. But be honest, as well. Recognize that even the most "natural" of parents isn't perfect 24/7, so don't try to act like you are - within the community or without.

- Politically Correct Natural Parenting — Jorje of Momma Jorje doesn't want parents practicing Natural Parenting to walk on eggshells with other parents.
- Keep Your Labels — ANonyMous @Radical Ramblings discusses why she isn't comfortable with the label "natural parent" and urges us all to be a little more respectful and accepting.
- Finding a Happy Parent Place — A "circumstantial loner," Mercedes at Project Procrastinot enjoys her forays in to the Natural Parenting community while learning the ropes of mothering twins.
- Stop Bashing Each Other Already! — Jennifer at Hybrid Rasta Mama muses on why for her, "natural parenting" involves more work and why it would be more supportive to all parents if there wasn’t such a great divide based on parenting styles.
- Is there a No Sleep Solution? — Hannah at Hannahandhorn wonders when she will sleep again.
- On reason, research, and natural parenting — Lauren at Hobo Mama wishes reason and logic were valued more than gut feelings and instinct.