Day 106 - April 7
This is my favorite shirt. I tie dyed it while pregnant with Sasha. I'll miss it when Spencer outgrows it and will definitely save it for grandbabies!
Day 107 - April 8
Sasha playing in the Dining Room / Play area.
Day 108 - April 9
Wait... its a Daddy pic and a sleeping baby pic?! Cuteness overload!
Day 109 - April 10
Uncle B with the littles!
Day 110- April 11
Spencer loves "playing" with our Child Development Specialist
from the Sooner Start (state program), Kristin.
Day 111 - April 12
Now that we're back to sleeping in our own bed, I've moved the pallet for good napping.
Day 112 - April 13
My goofy friends were showing Sasha how to scrunch up paper really tight for the fire... apparently it works better if you make an angry face.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
Without further ado, here are the Mama/Papatography 2013 participants!
- Diary of a First Child
- Earth Mamas World
- Baking Momma of Two
- Emma's Little World
- Quacks and Waddles
- Three Counties Mum
- Seaside Chelle
- gentlemum
- The Cutie and The Beauty
- Charming Gardener
- Pineapples & Artichokes
- Jessica's Casserole
- Dad of The Monkeys
- Momma Jorje
- A Nature Mom
- Mommy and Little I
- too tired to blog
- The Family Patch
- The Princess Poet's Life Adventures
- harley famdamily
- Mama Unfurling
- the mommy metamorphosis
- Mothers Know Best
- Quest For Life's Passion
- Frugal Brit Witch
- Me, Mothering, and Making it All Work