Day 118 - April 28
My baby brother, basically sleep eating birthday cake while
holding his sleepy daughter and his lovely baby mama in his lap.
Day 119 - April 29
These kids... they do love to be on Daddy.
Day 120 - April 30
Last day of our Zoo membership, had to make a trip!
We'll be getting a new one for Mother's Day.
Day 121 - May 1
Sasha's "tap, tap, tap your feet" dance (Daddy's favorite)
has become a waiting-for-the-doctor tradition.
Day 122 - May 2
Sasha, petting the cat she made with blocks
She has gotten much more creative with blocks lately.
Day 123 - May 3
It occurred to me... if anything were to happen to me, no one would know which
meds to give to Spencer and when! So... I made sticky notes for reference.
Day 124 - May 4
Ronni's friend dyed his hair for him... black this time!

We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
Without further ado, here are the Mama/Papatography 2013 participants!
- Diary of a First Child
- Earth Mamas World
- Baking Momma of Two
- Emma's Little World
- Quacks and Waddles
- Three Counties Mum
- Seaside Chelle
- gentlemum
- The Cutie and The Beauty
- Charming Gardener
- Pineapples & Artichokes
- Jessica's Casserole
- Dad of The Monkeys
- Momma Jorje
- A Nature Mom
- Mommy and Little I
- too tired to blog
- The Family Patch
- The Princess Poet's Life Adventures
- harley famdamily
- Mama Unfurling
- the mommy metamorphosis
- Mothers Know Best
- Quest For Life's Passion
- Frugal Brit Witch
- Me, Mothering, and Making it All Work