Day 139 - May 26
We met up with my old Girl Scout co-leader, Jenny (and her family), for a visit.
Isn't she beautiful? That's her son Jonah behind her.
Day 140 - May 27
I love seeing them interact so happily and freely these days.
Sasha was tickling Spencer on the kitchen counter.
Day 141 - May 28
My girls made a taco, a chimichanga and the entire family!
Yes, that's homemade play dough.
Day 142 - May 29
I've been waiting for him to find his way under the slide!
He finally did... and got stuck.
Day 143 - May 30
This is a favorite play space for the kids, but its rare for them to play there together.
Day 144 - May 31
My daughter, the contortionist. Think she's circus-ready?
(Notice the hanger.)
Day 145 - June 1
The Annual Asian-American Festival at the library,
always opened with a traditional Dragon Dance.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!