Day 167 - June 16
This was Spencer's first dip in a pool! He loves the water!
Day 168 - June 17
Waiting on the exam room table...
Daddy has become a chair and an entertainment center.
Day 169 - June 18
What kind of tree is this? If we buy a house, I want one of these.
The pink fuzzy things look funny and tickle your nose. Plus, decent climbing tree.
Day 170 - June 19
This is what the table mess looked like after my Simply Fun! Party.
We actually all sat in the floor. Party closes Friday, so order now if you want great games!
Day 171 - June 20
All set up for my Solavei Social at the Kennedy Mansion.
Day 172 - June 21
OMG - I have a tomato!!
Day 173 - June 22
After working with him a bit a couple of days before,
Spencer just up and climbed onto the castle all by himself!!
As you can see, he was so pleased with himself!

We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!