I know many women that have suffered from Postpartum Depression. I, myself, suffered it with my second child. It nearly destroyed my marriage as I was so unhappy and was placing any and all extra blame on my then-husband. This was one reason I opted to encapsulate my placenta with my last birth, to help prevent any depression.
Laura is one of the authors featured in the Mindful Parenting eBundle Sale. Here is her story on overcoming postpartum depression. All eBundle links in this post are my affiliate links.
When I got pregnant with my son, our second child, I experienced a constant emotional storm. From being down to depressed to overwhelmed. I know pregnancy should be seen as a last-minute catalyst to clear any issue you still have before the baby arrived, but I couldn't manage to get out of the negative spiral.
The birth of my son did not go as planned and he & I ended up in the hospital, which further depleted my mood. The experience left me unable to bond with him and shook up our entire family. Another move was the final drop and I found myself being constantly overwhelmed and incapable of dealing with the daily parenting issues.
I didn't know what was wrong, but I knew something had to change. I was not the parent I wanted for my children, not the kind of wife I wanted to be and, frankly, not the person I am supposed to be.
A friend online told me she thought I had a post natal depression and all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.

As an aspiring naturopath, I dug into my herbal and nutrition resources, I searched the internet high and low for help and I was able to cure this depression in just about two months.
I tentatively started writing about my depression on my blog and was amazed at the responses. I was shocked to see how many other parents were suffering the same pains and despair.
I wrote Mommy Overwhelm to offer a stepping stone for all parents who find themselves in this situation and are desperate to find a way to get out. The book will give you lots of resources to cure your depression and fight your stress. With a big variety of options, you are sure to find an approach that works for you.

For the past seven years, she has been living with her ever growing family in Sub-Saharan Africa. Connect with Laura on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.

The Mindful Parenting eBundle Sale is the first opportunity to get your eyes on this new eBook! The eBook is 27 pages and valued at $2.99 by itself. The eBundle includes Mommy Overwhelm plus 21 other parenting resources!