Day 188 - July 7
My baby brother wanted to try on my Boba after his wife did.
Sasha was thrilled to be loaded into it!
Day 189 - July 8
Rachel is so supportive of Spencer during Physical Therapy.
Here, Spencer feeds the horse a carrot.
Day 190 - July 9
Spencer loves him some pizza!
Day 191 - July 10
I did a presentation on Elimination Communication for a new mom group, Max Moms.
Day 192 - July 11
Spencer loves to play Peek-a-Boo with Daddy & Sasha hiding under a big blanket!
Day 193 - July 12
He looked so funny passed out on my back, I had to get a snapshot.
Day 194 - July 13

Spencer and I spent the entire day at a Solavei seminar.
He was amazing for being mostly worn for 10 hours.
This is Laura Wells, one of the presenters.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!