Day 335 - December 1
Holiday Meal, Take II - I had green bean casserole and ham left, so we did it again!
That evening we took the kids to see one of the larger light displays in town.
Day 336 - December 2
Spencer's shocked look (in OT waiting room).
Later we saw the cardiologist and got cleared for 6 months before his next check up.
Day 337 - December 3
He rolls all over the place in his "bunk."
The neck pillow helps keep him from falling out.
Day 338 - December 4
I've been trying embroidery floss wraps on my dreadlocks!
They're so fun!
Day 339 - December 5
My Babies!
I also accidentally made a quadruple batch of cookies this day!
Day 340 - December 6
She was so excited to play in the snow!
Thank you for the snow pants, Shannon & Moira!
Day 341 - December 7
I waited a little too long to get out Sasha's first Elmo jammies for Spencer.
He was watching Signing Time.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!