Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Mamatography 2013 - Week 51

Day 349 - December 15

It is finally and suddenly looking like Giftmas around here!

Day 350 - December 16

Spencer got to try few of these toys out with his Occupational Therapist.

Day 351 - December 17

After another rough night, Spencer napped through most of Story Time.

Day 352 - December 18

I took the littles to a Christmas Party, where Sasha got to see Santa again.

Day 353 - December 19

We met up with Hubby's daughter (and her family) for pizza and Giftmas.

Day 354 - December 20

Is it any wonder we can't keep toys in this basket??

Day 355 - December 21

Just a shot of my girls being goofy.

mtbadge2This post is part of the Mamatography 2013 Project with Diary of a First Child and Momma Jorje.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!

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