Day 356 - December 22
Sasha was having a rough day, so I put her on.
Spencer had to be held, too! This makes cooking a little more difficult.
Worth it.
Day 357 - December 23
We unwrapped 1 gift each... early.
Earlier: Spencer had his OT appointment / Holiday Party
Later: Ronni's Dental Cleaning
Day 358 - December 24
I gave Sasha a haircut. It was much overdue.
Earlier: We opened our 1 other present each.
Later: Made cookies to share with Santa.
Day 359 - December 25
Checking out the Stocking Loot
Later: went to Grandpa's house
Day 360 - December 26
I think he likes his "MP3 Player" he got for his birthday.
We also had Cheesecake.
Day 361 - December 27
Sasha did great at the dentist, too!
We love our new dentist.
Day 362 - December 28
My first Gluten Free shopping trip.
Day 363 - December 29
Birthday Cake!
(Gluten Free)
Day 364 - December 30
Spencer had his 2 year Well Child Check, too.
Day 365 - December 31
Spencer using his "MP3 Player" toy as a phone after his Pulmonology appointment.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!