We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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Day 12 - Sunday - January 12
I hung this cheap mirror at the suggestion of Spencer's Speech Therapist.
It was an instant hit!
Day 13 - Monday - January 13
OMG What was I thinking?!
Did I mention how much I hate food messes??
Day 14 - Tuesday - January 14
They have these at the Children's Hospital, but this was his first ride in one.
He kept signing for me to push him more!
Day 15 - Wednesday - January 15
Our last Physical Therapy session with Rachel, as she is moving on.
I had to get a ton of photos! We'll miss her!
Day 16 - Thursday - January 16
Another Muffin Tin Lunch. We prefer to call them Monkey Platters.
I just picked up the (2) tins last weekend.
Day 17 - Friday - January 17
The Crib Mattress we won arrived!
I pin it between our bed and the wall for a co-sleeping bed extension.
Day 18 - Saturday - January 18
I finally took the double-dipped Rock Candy sticks out and dumped the jars.
There were crystals growing on the glass, too!