We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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Day 19 - Sunday - January 19
Um... Oops! I didn't get a single photograph on this day.
Day 20 - Monday - January 20
More Monkey Platter, as my kids like to call them
Day 21 - Tuesday - January 21
Aw, don't they look cute??
Gotta be Daddy's chair... and something on the television.
Day 22 - Wednesday - January 22
Spencer started sliding forward this day, sliding to me over and over again!
Day 23 - Thursday - January 23
Finally interested in shoes! These are the only ones we had that nearly fit.
Day 24 - Friday - January 24
The littles always want Daddy's spot!
Day 25 - Saturday - January 25
I just really liked this display... Rainbow!