Day 124 - Sunday - May 4

Sibling Mirror Play
That boy is a blur, I tell ya!
Day 125 - Monday - May 5
We had to go check out the new / temporary Zoorassic Park exhibit at our zoo!
It was pretty cool! I just don't know that it was $14 cool (for 4 of us).
Day 126 - Tuesday - May 6
Sasha was totally at ease.
We saw a Bearded Dragon at our Unschooling Co-op,
then a friend brought his new one by, too!
Day 127 - Wednesday - May 7
The Fashion Sense of a Preschooler
Do you still call them preschoolers if you're unschooling?
Day 128 - Thursday - May 8
Killing Time in a large space while our van was getting fixed.
Can you tell she's been puddle jumping? These crocs are great for that!
Day 129 - Friday - May 9
Napping in our bed... he's getting so tall!
Day 130 - Saturday - May 10
I think this is the last photo I took of Cathulhu... piled with toys.
(She went on to an adoption program.)

We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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