Day 131 - Sunday - May 11
My chosen way to celebrate.
Didn't get much of it and it was a crummy day that ended with a nasty sprained ankle.
Day 132 - Monday - May 12
For Mother's Day, we also went to get the family new pet.
Her name is Elsa.
Day 133 - Tuesday - May 13
About 1½ days later... still swollen. Bruising has started to settle into place.
Day 134 - Wednesday - May 14
My staple GF Lunch lately:
Corn Tortilla wrapped around cream cheese, turkey, ranch dressing and spinach leaves.
Day 135 - Thursday - May 15
My Dead Foot / Bruising really settling into place!
Day 136 - Friday - May 16
Melissa is our personal dental tech. She loves our family. We love her!
Day 137 - Saturday - May 17
Seriously?? They're chips, for pete's sake! Such a mess!

We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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