Day 152 - Sunday - June 1
Daddy made them an Obstacle Course.
Day 153 - Monday - June 2
What? Its my splash pad.
Day 154 - Tuesday - June 3
Making a 2nd attempt at gardening.
Day 155 - Wednesday - June 4
Even trying my hand at growing some yams!
Day 156 - Thursday - June 5
I don't remember what they were doing, only that they were cute!
Day 157 - Friday - June 6
Silly babies!
Day 158 - Saturday - June 7
Headed to pick up her sister for visitation!
She was so sweet to bring an extra plushie to share.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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