Day 236 - Sunday - August 24
Hiking back after finding our first Multi-Cache.
Day 237 - Monday - August 25
Think this cantaloupe would have liked some water?
Something stole it soon after.
Day 238 - Tuesday - August 26
This boy loves books!
Day 239 - Wednesday - August 27
Sasha wanted to take a photo of her creation.
I don't share my toys well, so this was the first time she used my camera all by herself.
I haven't edited the photo at all, other than resizing / watermark.
Day 240 - Thursday - August 28
It is so awesome to get to see all 3 of our "littles" playing together!
Day 241 - Friday - August 29
The kids were thrilled to see that Houdini had headed over (again).
They kept his attention in our doorway until our neighbor could drive home to collect him.
Day 242 - Saturday - August 30
Visitation Day! We did more hiking / geocaching, then came
home to introduce the Water Wall and play together.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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