Brent was already building fence panels when I got outside. He had these 1½ inch square posts he was saving to use on his porch, but they had just been sitting in a rotting pile of wood. We also used a 2 x 6 (from my fence panels), split down the middle, to make the top and bottom. I had picked up several 10' sections of wire fencing (for free!) from a guy outside of town when he had to downsize from his 200+ flock. Elmo had also found a random roll of new fencing in the woods while geocaching! (The roll turned out to be over 20' long!)
Based on the length of the used sections, we made the fence panels 2 inches shy of 10 feet. One post was used at an angle to brace the panels so they would stay square. We made 4 panels and stapled the fencing onto them. These will be mobile, so we'll have the option to change the chicken run around a bit.
We had some random sized sections, too. Brent stapled fencing onto the front of the coop and under the nest. We only closed off 2 sides. I picked up 2 pieces of cheap sheet metal to use for the roof, total cost $20 from a local building supply (that has used and new materials). He used 2 boards from our scrap pile, nailed inside the coop, to support and attach the roof.
We set one panel right behind the nesting box. It connected (in an L) to another fence panel, which we wired to the fence post already in place. The placement was perfect for strong support, despite the old fence being in major disrepair. There's my li'l chickadee, testing out the half-done chicken run.
I didn't get pictures of the roosting bars yet, but we wound up using those same 1½ inch posts from Brent's pile. We used scraps of them to make a U shape on the wall. The roost bars (one high across the back, one low from front to back) slide down into the U support shapes. This makes the bars easy to remove for cleaning or in case I need to get into the coop. I had planned to use branches, but didn't have one the right length to go across the back.
We wired a fence panel to the existing chain link fence. The girls we're getting have been free ranging in a yard with a similar chain link fence. The other panel connects to the coop and overlaps for a handy gate into the run. To make it stay put better, we simply screwed another post scrap next to the panel on the coop. This was very helpful since this panel gets swung in and out so often.
We also installed a new security hasp to lock the coop door closed. I wish I could have found a used one, to match the hinges we used. The hasp cost $3 at the same place as the sheet metal. Brent threw together a temporary cover for the chickens' door (using fence planks) that I'll use a rock to hold down overnight. The nest cover is made with scrap sheet metal from the roof. It isn't completed with hinges yet, we're watching for the right scrap to support it. I just hold it down with rocks for now and its tucked under the fence planks so its still safe from rain.
After this last five hours of work (and less than $60 in supplies), the coop and run are usable! I talked to my connection and... hens would be delivered the next morning!! She also planned to bring enough pine shavings for our coop plus a little feed and scratch. I'm sure I'll write another post about welcoming our girls!