Day 278 - Sunday - October 5
After almost a month, we had another work day on the chicken coop!
This pic is just a sneak preview. Come back Friday to see!
Day 279- Monday - October 6

Late night selfie, writing a note to my husband.
Day 280 - Tuesday - October 7
Playtime after Storytime, that is one tiny boy!
Day 281 - Wednesday - October 8
and yet so big!
Toddler Play Time at the Library
Day 282 - Thursday - October 9
Well, one of our girls likes Chuck.
Day 283 - Friday - October 10
This is what our volunteer time looks like at Samantha's school.
Custard is sticky, people. Its so sticky!
Day 284 - Saturday - October 11
We took the kids to our dentist's first Patient Appreciation Day.
The girls got to ride ponies!

We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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