Day 285 - Sunday - October 12
Final work day on the chicken coop.
Lovely fire burning some of the extra scraps.
Day 286 - Monday - October 13
Angela brought our laying hens to us!
Day 287 - Tuesday - October 14
We do scarf games and songs during story time at our library.
Day 288 - Wednesday - October 15
After just a couple of days, I felt confident enough to let the "girls" explore the yard.
They all wandered back into their run after just a short while.
Day 289 - Thursday - October 16
Ronni played with his boyfriend's phone while his siblings closed in on him!
Day 290 - Friday - October 17
Pumpkin Town
Day 291 - Saturday - October 18
It just so happened that just days after getting our girls settled,
this young hen got loose from the neighbor's pen.
If we can ever figure out where she's sleeping, we can catch her!
She has chosen us as her foster family.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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