Day 334 - Sunday - November 30
Headed out to see the chickens.
And they're gathering up to see him, hoping for treats!
Day 335 - Monday - December 1
This was such a cute project from our Story Time.
Turkey with feathers, we wrote books we had read on the feathers.
Day 336 - Tuesday - December 2
Spencer loves running with the big kids at our Unschool Co-op!
Day 337 - Wednesday - December 3
Spencer is just about to age out of his Sooner Start services.
This was his last appointment with Kristen, our Child Development Specialist.
Day 338 - Thursday - December 4
Teenagers are busy people. These photo-ops are fewer and further between these days...
Day 339 - Friday - December 5
Reduce, Reuse & Recycle
Who knew that a Package Mailer would make such a great hat?!
Day 340 - Saturday - December 6
We went to see a big light display.
I love taking macros, but my current camera isn't great.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day, a collage or a picture each week to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!
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