My daughter has been doing Kuk Sool Won™ for 8 months. In that time, she has tested twice. Both times she jumped up a full belt level. From white to yellow and then to blue. She has also competed in the World Championship and brought home two medals. Better yet, she has the skills to defend herself and it has really driven up her confidence and helped us focus on her health!
She has excitedly received a Student Textbook (quite the investment!) and we really enjoyed our travels together to the tournament. She is looking forward to her next tournament in a few months. So imagine my surprise when she told me she felt like she got herself into something and didn't know how to get out, that she wanted to "take a break" from Kuk Sool. I should have seen it coming, she's been getting belly or head aches right before class for weeks.
But I wasn't ready to just fold.